How often is too often to send emails?
Quick Tips Videos & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services

How often is too often to send emails?

October 4, 2024

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

send-emails-how-oftenHow often should I send emails?” is the perpetual question asked by advisers who are beginning to build an engagement marketing system or lifting their client communications and services standards.  There is not a magic number that applies to everyone I am sorry to say.

The objective is to find that balance between being continually present, but without being a nuisance.

The bad news is that there is no absolute rule that is correct of course, as the right frequency depends enormously on your target market audience and what THEY feel is about right.  It’s not about what suits you after all….it is about what suits them.  What is the balance of “being there”, without being a bother?

Different audiences naturally have different preferences for the frequency which is optimal, but in this weeks video we discuss how to know when you’ve got it wrong – and why – and what to do about it…

Watch the video to learn more…

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