Traditionally the financial services sector has been almost entirely remunerated via commission, and many advisers are still grappling with the basic question of how to make the transition – even if only in their minds – from working solely on commissions to charging clients directly for advice and/or service.
Consumers perceived rightly or wrongly that financial advice was “free”, and advisers themselves reinforce this belief by advertising services as “free”. The struggle now for many advisers is how to take the “R” out of that, and establish that advice deserves a fee in the consumers mind.
There are basically 5 steps to being able to do that successfully.
In order to successfully value the advice component (in any line of work) there is the essential requirement to be able to define what it is you do that benefits the client. What precisely is your valuable contribution?
Step 1 is a fundamental element that is often the real barrier to being able to successfully charge reasonable fees for expertise. Or to put it plainly, the inability to explain easily what your expertise is, is the very thing that creates the awkwardness for many advisers.
If one can be blunt, there is little real ability to put a fee on expertise if one cannot explain what the expertise is, and how that will benefit the person paying the bill. Remember, value in a customer’s mind is pretty much as simple as “benefits minus the costs”, which is the clever way of understanding their key question: “what do I get for what I pay?”
So the first and most critical step is being able to explain simply what it is you do that warrants a fee being paid by a client, and that needs to be described in a way which makes the benefit obvious.
Once you’ve settled on that there are 4 more things that are “must do’s” in order to have the consumer pay you directly, and they are:
By implementing these steps you will be able to move from the concept of providing FREE advice, to providing advice that is worth a FEE, and which meets with little resistance from worthy clients in reality.
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