Value Proposition


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good financial advice
Are you giving good advice, or giving what they want?
by Tony Vidler        Giving good advice is different to giving people what they want, isn’t it?  Most financial advisers can do both, and many do in fact deliver both. That is, they often give people what they want because that is after all what the consumer wanted….and the consumer is the boss and has the […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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challenge your thinking
Innovation in delivering Financial Advice: Does it have to be this way?
by Tony Vidler        “Innovation” and “delivering financial advice” do not usually go together for the majority in the industry. The way advice is delivered by tens of thousands of professionals tends to gravitate to the same methodology.  There is safety hiding in the herd, right?     Then the  type of advice delivered by tens […]
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Position Advice Properly as Success Coaching
by Tony Vidler        The perennial challenge in selling advice is positioning it as valuable, and we should think about it and describe it the right way: great advice is about coaching. It IS coaching.   Giving advice is all about analysing the desired outcomes for clients, weighing up the possibilities, deciding on the optimal […]
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You are a professional? That doesn’t mean I trust you.
by Tony Vidler        You’re a professional. Should I trust you? Nope. As a consumer, a user of professional services myself, I’m tired of hearing from professionals that they should be trusted just because they are labelled professionals.  Let’s face it; many carry the label “professional” only by association anyway. The industry they are in […]
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Are you offering Advice clients Fast Food or Fine Dining?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers are unsure about what they offer advice clients – cheap and cheerful advice on the fly, or a superb planning experience.  Both do the job, albeit in different ways.  But offering fast food at silver service prices is a business model that will struggle…and that’s what happens when there […]
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Making the move into charging fees for advice
by Tony Vidler        The easiest way for advisers who are worried about trying to charge fees for their expertise or time is to sell a service which is not product related at all.  This seems daunting to the many financial advisers who have “grown up” in an environment where they were paid by commissions […]
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Value is not Black and White, it is Shades of Grey
by Tony Vidler        At the most basic level “Value” can easily be defined: Value is Benefits less Costs. That simple definition doesn’t highlight the enormous range of definitions for “Benefits” though, which is why trying to understand what value is results in everyone seeing a different shade of grey. The range of possible benefits […]
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financial advisor
Be Your Client’s Consigliere
by Tony Vidler        Which is the more effective style for a financial adviser to adopt: 1. The Expert          OR 2. The Counselor     It is a question many struggle with, and the ideal position is actually: “be either depending on what is required”   This choice is not really […]
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The Professional’s Branding Challenge: how to look different while blending in (& why it matters)
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating a personal brand as a professional, the irony is we have to look different – while blending in and looking the same. One cannot afford to look any less professional than your peers or competitors.  So to a large degree degree there is a market expectation […]
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