Value Proposition


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Robo-Advice is here, and it is helping Advisers be better at giving advice!
by Tony Vidler         Apparently a fair proportion of advisers still do not believe that robo-advice will have a serious impact upon their business.  It will of course, and in many respects it is helping advisers to be better at what they do…giving advice.   The term “robo-advice” creates an image immediately of a machine replacing […]
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Getting to the point where “Ideal Prospects Call Me!”
by Tony Vidler        Who doesn’t want to be getting to the point where “ideal prospects call me” – and preferably continuously.  Being so busy with new client opportunities that you just can’t handle them….So many incoming calls from ideal prospects in fact that we have to put our fees up just to control the […]
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valuing advice
Properly Valuing Financial Advice
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to valuing your advice to clients what is a “fair” rate or price?  $100 per hour seems pretty cheap for any professional – plumbers cost more than that, right? But what about $1,000 per hour? That’s not actually a bad rate if someone can create $5,000 of value […]
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what's in it for me
Answer the only question that matters and prospects will give you what you want
by Tony Vidler        The only question that matters to prospects is “W.I.I.F.M?”  The big “what’s in it for me?” question is the only question that matters when we are dealing with a prospective customer…someone who WE want to talk more to, but who doesn’t yet want to talk to us.   So what is […]
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what is value
What IS value to your prospect?
by Tony Vidler        It may seem an obvious question; but do you know what “value” IS to your prospective clients?   Value can be determined by any individual in any number of ways of course, and what is valuable to one person is not necessarily so to another. Or what is valuable at one […]
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What is NOT a Value Proposition…and what is.
by Tony Vidler        Value Proposition. It is the value that you propose to deliver to a potential customer.   What it is not is anything other than the value you propose to deliver to them.   Seems simple enough, doesn’t it?   Apparently it isn’t though.   Pretty much every professional you talk to […]
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financial advice value
An easy way to work out how to express your advice value
by Tony Vidler        If you are struggling to express the value of your advice for your target market there is a way to figure it out that doesn’t require you agonising over how to come up with a clever marketing message. “Your value” could be expressed as what benefits you can deliver for them. […]
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think differently
Thinking Differently To Connect With Prospects
by Tony Vidler        Thinking differently would seem to be an obvious thing to do if one wanted to be different. If you wanted your advisory firm to stand out from competitors it would make sense to DO something different too.  So thinking differently and then being different seems to be a pretty straightforward way […]
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How can we get the Value Of Advice message out more effectively?
by Tony Vidler         We need to get the “Value Of Advice” message out more effectively as it just doesn’t appear to be resonating with enough of the consumers, particularly in challenging times.    There has been an increasing emphasis upon understanding the value of advice in the last decade and most research concludes that advice […]
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financial planning process for prospects
Show Prospects Your Advice Planning Process To Get CLIENTS
by Tony Vidler        The Challenge: Getting prospects to buy into your financial advice planning process.   The Solution: Show them HOW the process works before asking them to commit.   The keywords there are “show” and “how“….and it is because so many advisers do not focus on these 2 words in the earliest stages […]
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