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Have Financial Advisers Missed Out On The Social Media Opportunity?
by Tony Vidler        After a decade of NOT adopting what is clearly the biggest evolution in consumer communication methods in half a century (at least!), there is a mood amongst many financial advisers that they have “missed the wave” on the social media marketing opportunities.   One might as well say you’ve “missed the wave” […]
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Actually Using The Pareto Principle To Improve Service And Profit
by Tony Vidler        Everyone has heard of Pareto’s Principle by now, but are you actually using it to improve  profit…or improve service….or is it actually “improve service to improve profit using Pareto”?   It is the latter. Undoubtedly.   Improving service leads to greater retention, or longer duration of client engagement & revenue.  Improving […]
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Do you REALLY want to be a Great Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         An adviser told me that they wanted to be “great”…a GREAT adviser.  My immediate thought was would you prefer being considered “great” to having a great business, because you might be able to have both, but then, you might not either.  Then I thought “isn’t it healthier and far more enjoyable to […]
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The simple prospecting system from the worlds greatest ever salesman
by Tony Vidler        According to the Guiness Book Of World Records the greatest salesman in the world was Joe Girard.   Joe sold cars…an incredible 13,001 cars sold in his career.  One at a time…working “retail” with high priced items.  And selling the same things, at the same price, as a heck of a […]
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For Client Presentations Going Low-Tech Works
by Tony Vidler        As client presentations become more compliance-focused, lengthy, and technical in nature there is an corresponding increase in client dissatisfaction with financial advice.  Coincidence?  I think not. There has been a trend for years for financial advice, particularly comprehensive financial plans, when presented to clients to be “too clever” with clients not necessarily understanding […]
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What IS good content for sharing and engaging prospects?
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to creating GOOD content that is engaging prospects and your target audience there are a few things to get right, but most of the things you need to get right are not really about what you write or produce. So what makes really good content is not just […]
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Do You Practice Enough To Be Elite?
by Tony Vidler         Elite financial advisers do things that average advisers won’t do.  They practice stuff before going to market with it for instance.   The best in any field practice before trying to win out on the field.  In the advisory business that means practicing presentations of course…but it also means embracing roleplay to […]
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If Your Advisory Practice Survives, Heed This Lesson
by Tony Vidler        One lesson each financial advisory practice should take from 2020 already is this: YOUR cashflow and emergency reserves are your lifeblood.  That’s the same advice you give clients huh? For advice firms though, reliance upon short term new sales results or new client acquisition is deadly….irregular cashflow is the business equivalent […]
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financial advisory prospecting
Is that Prospect really a Prospective Client YET?
by Tony Vidler        Oddly, many advisers do not quite get what a prospect is. They often think it is a name with a phone number.  But is that enough for a prospect to really be a “prospective client”?   Knowing their name and how to contact them?   Somewhere on the path to professionalism some of […]
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The Power of Visual Aids
by Tony Vidler        As advisers, we talk a lot.  And when we aren’t talking we are writing. Visual aids, or graphics, tend to get overlooked by us but there is LOADS of research which suggests we should be using loads of visual aids, and perhaps less talk and less writing. If you doubt the power […]
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