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3 Must Haves For Effective Marketing Copy
by Tony Vidler        For marketing copy to be truly effective it must have  “readability”. If something is easy to read and comprehend quickly then it will be effective – assuming the actual message wasn’t rubbish to begin with. If you have a good offer, or story, or service and can word that well then […]
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These 2 Questions Will Help Shape An Effective Message
by Tony Vidler        Waaaaay too many times each week I think “that is not an effective message”.  There is a lot of material prepared by well educated, articulate and thoughtful professionals that leaves me going “Huh?’ when I read it.  And I am not talking about their compliance-focussed advice process documents; I am talking […]
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Blending Old Ways With Modern Comms To Get Attention
by Tony Vidler        Blending the old and the new can be a great way to get attention in the digital world, and there are few better examples than this one from an older adviser who was happy for me to share it.  He generates excellent engagement and responses…and it is so simple! Remember the […]
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Presenting Professional Collaboration to Clients Simply
by Tony Vidler        Consumers increasingly need solutions which require professional collaboration between different experts, and while plenty of suggestions can be found about how to collaborate with others from other professions, there is not quite so much suggestion about how to collaborate successfully with professionals from within the same sector. Consumers usually want fairly […]
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Promo Gifts: Give quality AND useful things only
by Tony Vidler        Giving promotional items as “thank you’s” is not as straightforward as many professionals seem to think. The promo gift seems more often to be “promo” than “gift”. I’d suggest that is a waste of money in the main, as most consumers today are very quick indeed to dump stuff that they […]
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How To Deliver Value During Prospect Engagement
by Tony Vidler        Sometimes when professional advisers are struggling to engage meaningfully with prospective clients, or struggling to get them to engage at all, the solution is to go back to the very basics and question whether YOU are delivering value in their minds. In the continual battle to be relevant and valuable there […]
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How To Generate Introductions Whenever You Want Them, To Whoever You Want
by Tony Vidler        Referral business is pure gold…it is the Holy Grail for advisers to be running a business where they are only working with referrals. Introductions are even better. Most advisers sit back and wait for clients or centre’s of influence to refer, but you can generate the referrals – or introductions -you […]
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Be “Someone” if you want to stand out and succeed.
by Tony Vidler        A professional service business built around a product is not a good service business. “Someone” is the best service business. A professional service business should be built around either the “service” part, or the “professional” part.  Or perhaps both. It is either a “someone” or a “something”, and “someone” is much […]
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Marketing Your Expertise Via Webinar
by Tony Vidler        Advisers attend plenty of webinars, but very few seem to use a webinar marketing program themselves for marketing to potential clients, and it is a marvellous opportunity (if done well) to really position your expertise. Prospects generally have no issue tuning in to watch broadcasts on any number of areas of interest, […]
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25 Words and Phrases that KILL your subject line
by Tony Vidler        We all hear about nthe importance of the subject line in a message, and then spend hours carefully constructing messages and marketing campaigns and thinking that we’ve come up with a winning subject line.  Often however we make the mistake of including one of the words or phrases in the subject […]
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