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The New Paradigm of Financial Adviser Marketing
by Tony Vidler        There has been a significant paradigm shift in how financial adviser marketing and sales functions interact. A fundamental change to how we understand and use the knoweldge of the consumers emotional buying cycle has already happened. The traditional view of “marketing generating leads” and then “sales converting leads into customers” held that […]
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Prospecting Idea: Reconnect to Create New Opportunities
by Tony Vidler        A simple prospecting idea which usually pays off is simply re-connecting with those who you have spent time with, but did not do any business with.  I am talking about “prospects” from 6 months ago…or 12 months ago. There are always people we are seeing who are potentially great customers, but for […]
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The Gordian Knot of Getting Referrals
by Tony Vidler        Getting referrals consistently is hard for most…but oddly enough it is also easy for many.  Or is it? Lots of advisers say they get all their new business from referral, but when you dig into things it seems that actually they don’t get a lot of referrals. The ones they get […]
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Want to Cross-Sell? Then put a bit of planning into it…
by Tony Vidler        We all know that cross-selling services and products to clients is critical to maximising the value of the client relationship as well as ensuring you are delivering full value to your clients. So why is it so often neglected? In part cross-selling is skipped because so many professional advisers today do […]
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Why Your Advisory Practice Needs 2 Marketing Targets
by Tony Vidler        When considering advisory practice marketing the primary focus from most advisers is “How much should I spend to get a new client onboard?” It is a single marketing focus; just one marketing target.  You need one more. While the answer will vary for everyone of course as to how much one new […]
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The Right Way To Present Your Advice Recommendation Effectively
by Tony Vidler        When it is time to present your advice recommendation, whether that is providing quotes or product solutions or providing a strategy, are you giving the prospect a few choices…like 3 perhaps? Don’t do it. Consumers are onto it, so as a “sales technique” it loses impact…and it was never fabulous technique […]
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This Is Why Most Centre-Of-Influence Referral Marketing Efforts Fail
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to referral marketing efforts there are basically two types of consistent ongoing referrers you can cultivate: 1. happy & satisfied clients 2. centres-of-influence The second category is the one that many advisers struggle with particularly, and the reason they struggle is because they try to develope the wrong […]
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Sell holes, not drills, to get more customers
by Tony Vidler         When people go to the hardware store and buy a fantastic electric drill they are not usually terribly interested in the drill itself. They want a hole. This is an elementary truth about consumers buying behaviour  They buy products for what the products can do for them, not because they just […]
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Demonstrating Value To Make Prospects Choose You
by Tony Vidler        Successful advisers today make sure they are demonstrating value to prospects...before the prospects have agreed to engage and become clients. Having a prospect who is interested enough to hear what you have to offer has always been a necessary step on the path to getting a client, and it obviously remains […]
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How clients choose a Financial Adviser when they all seem the same
by Tony Vidler        How do clients choose a financial adviser to use when everyone looks about the same? Sure there are individual differences in the human beings, with the full range of beautiful people, and those who are beautiful only to their mothers perhaps, and all the different skin tones and body shapes that […]
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