The Easiest FREE Way To Get Found By Prospects
Quick Tips Videos & Sales & Marketing for Professional Services

The Easiest FREE Way To Get Found By Prospects

November 16, 2022

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

If you want to get found – and chosen – by prospects you really need to nail that LinkedIn profile!  It is the easiest – and cheapest – way to get a good online presence if a prospect does decide to check you out (and most do I’d guess).


Surprisingly many advisers are still trying to figure out whether they should use any social media channel at all in their marketing, and it seems that even LinkedIn gets put into the wider social media universe along with Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr and so on.  Most advisers seem to have taken steps to set up a LinkedIn profile, but then, the majority of them haven’t even completely filled out their profiles let alone turned them into strong credibility platforms.


What a waste of valuable online real estate…and a free marketing platform at that!


For advisers today it is vital to not only have a LinkedIn profile, but to make it a very good one.  It is THE place most prospects are likely to look on a search.


What happens when someone wants to check you out?

They Google you.

What do they find?

Google tony vidler

Your LinkedIn profile features prominently in Google search – despite all the work you’ve done on your own SEO in your website, your blog, and everything else.  LinkedIn matters to Google, so it should matter to you.

LinkedIn matters to todays professional – if they want to get found…as I explain in this weeks quick tip video!

Watch the video to learn more…

You might also be interested in this related article:
The Top 10 Tips For Advisers To Get Some LinkedIn Love
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