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Tailoring Your Content Marketing To Fit Your Audience
by Tony Vidler        One size does not fit all when it comes to content marketing: you need to tailor your content fit your audiences’ desires and needs.  It needs to be made to measure as it were.   As more professionals tap into the power of content marketing and create a presence on multiple […]
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What is the ROI of having “An Audience”?
by Tony Vidler        While I am a fan of “measuring to manage well”, some things just can’t be measured accurately.  Like having an audience.  How do you even measure the ROI of an audience? That’s why I believe we should forget what the ROI of social media is, in the conventional sense.   Here’s […]
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How A Few Advisers Get Great Social Media ROI
by Tony Vidler         Why do some advisers seem to do so well and get such great social media ROI while others find it fruitless?  There are financial advisers literally building businesses on the back of social media – it is that powerful for them.  Yet there are hordes of advisers who would suggest that social […]
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