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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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The Financial Advisory World Has Changed…For Good.
by Tony Vidler         Well there is no way now that we can think the financial advisory world will stay the same.  It has been signalling dramatic change for a few years, but the changes are now escalating at an even more dramatic rate than anyone could have predicted. It feels like it is all […]
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The cost of convenience in insurance: Underwrite at proposal time, or claim time?
by Tony Vidler        Convenience in insurance can come at a steep cost: When does your client want to have the drama with their insurance company? At underwriting time, or at claim time? The cover is going to get underwritten at some point, it really is just a matter of when. This is a confusing facet […]
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Pro Bono Pays In The Long Run
by Tony Vidler        Pro bono is a novel concept for many in an evolving profession – working for free for the public good.  But pro bono pays in the long run in a number of ways for a professional.  It may sound counter-intuitive but giving away your knowledge, skill and time for free is a […]
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challenge your thinking
Innovation in delivering Financial Advice: Does it have to be this way?
by Tony Vidler        “Innovation” and “delivering financial advice” do not usually go together for the majority in the industry. The way advice is delivered by tens of thousands of professionals tends to gravitate to the same methodology.  There is safety hiding in the herd, right?     Then the  type of advice delivered by tens […]
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Compliant Advice: Paper Beats Scissors Every Time
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to compliant advice Advisers really need to grasp that they are playing a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with every client engagement now. There almost certainly will be an instance where a client throws the Rock…. We try to beat it with Paper. Complaints authority or regulator takes to […]
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Knowing Your Professional Purpose Is Your Game Changer
by Tony Vidler        All the regulatory change has many advisers seriously thinking about how to position for the future, and how to lift performance in a time of squeezed practice margins.  Many are stuck in their existing paradigm of doing business though, and struggle to accept things like remuneration models changing rapidly, long term shifts […]
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Don’t rush to go “The Extra Mile” in client service just yet…
by Tony Vidler        Go the extra mile and clients will love you, right?   Maybe not.   While I would be the first to say that an area of opportunity for professional services firms to excel in comparison to their competitors is in “providing service”…the answer to getting to more clients on the “satisfied” […]
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Are you offering Advice clients Fast Food or Fine Dining?
by Tony Vidler        Many advisers are unsure about what they offer advice clients – cheap and cheerful advice on the fly, or a superb planning experience.  Both do the job, albeit in different ways.  But offering fast food at silver service prices is a business model that will struggle…and that’s what happens when there […]
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