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Which Clients To Keep; Which Ones To Fire
by Tony Vidler         More clients is good, right? But when you have plenty of clients on the books the question becomes which clients to keep. Or which ones to get rid of.  Actually, advisers should be constantly asking these questions regardless of how big their book of clients actually is.  They are not questions […]
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The 4 Key Levers That Create Great Capital Value For An Advisory Firm
by Tony Vidler        Creating great capital value for a professional services firm is usually one of the owners primary objectives as they more often than not see their business value as a critical part of their own financial independence.   Building a profitable business is obviously essential, and it is a more valuable profitable […]
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Building A Profitable AND Valuable Practice
by Tony Vidler        Building a profitable practice is is the first objective for practitioners, but building a sustainable profitable and valuable practice is even better isn’t it?   Many good practitioners achieve the objective of building a profitable practice easily enough. After all, that is little more than keeping the sales and revenue pumping […]
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What Value Is A Practice?
by Tony Vidler        Given some of the trends in financial services there must be serious questions about how to accurately value a practice of a financial adviser.   The short answer to what is an accurate value of any practice will of course always be “whatever a buyer is willing to pay, and which you […]
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Adviser Succession: What do buyers of financial practices look for?
by Tony Vidler        The irony of adviser succession discussions is how few of the advisers considering the topic seem to consider how to get a better return on what is often their biggest investment – their practice.  Sellers simply do not appear to think too deeply about what buyers will value and pay premium […]
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The 4 Actions Needed To Create A Personal Service System That Pays Off
by Tony Vidler        An ongoing challenge for any service business is to create “Mass Personalisation”, or something akin to a factory production line that delivers constant quality efficiently, but which still feels personal to the end user.   In professional services it is creating and efficient and affordable business system that allow mass actions […]
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Advisers Could Get Better Returns On Their Investment
by Tony Vidler        It is a little ironic that many professionals in the business of advising people how to get better returns do not do what they should to get a better return on one of their own biggest investments – their business.   Many advisers think a successful personal retirement is simply a matter […]
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creating customer convenience
The Professional Services Firm Model Of The Future Is Possibly A “Fast Food Alley”
by Tony Vidler        Ever noticed how the fast food stores tend to cluster together as some sort of “fast food alley”? Have you ever wondered why? There is a “convenience” element for the typical customer of course, however there is a more important reason – which might just be a useful lesson for professionals […]
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