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A Good Financial Planner MUST Consider Risk Management
by Tony Vidler         Financial planners who do not tackle risk management issues thoroughly for clients do the clients a disservice. A good financial planner must be factoring personal risk management into their planning for clients.   Perhaps that is a little challenging to some, however too many financial planners simply do not include risk […]
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For Client Presentations Going Low-Tech Works
by Tony Vidler        As client presentations become more compliance-focused, lengthy, and technical in nature there is an corresponding increase in client dissatisfaction with financial advice.  Coincidence?  I think not. There has been a trend for years for financial advice, particularly comprehensive financial plans, when presented to clients to be “too clever” with clients not necessarily understanding […]
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The cost of convenience in insurance: Underwrite at proposal time, or claim time?
by Tony Vidler        Convenience in insurance can come at a steep cost: When does your client want to have the drama with their insurance company? At underwriting time, or at claim time? The cover is going to get underwritten at some point, it really is just a matter of when. This is a confusing facet […]
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