practice growth


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Are You AND Your People Clear About What YOU Want?
by Tony Vidler        Pretty much everyone running a business hates having to come up with job descriptions for their staff.  Your people hate them too usually.  A statement which may have been correct at a moment in time to describe a role, and the role is subject to constant change…they are pretty much a […]
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Penny-Pinching In IT Is Madness
by Tony Vidler        Professionals keep getting their fingers caught in the trap of “penny pinching”, especially in IT. This is especially crazy when the IT is protecting the IP.   We know that there are many many areas where cheap actually becomes  expensive in the long-run, and nowhere is this more true in my […]
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Does “Growing” Really Mean “More Clients”?
by Tony Vidler        Just about every adviser says they want to be growing their business and need more clients….and they also want fresh ideas; the business satisfaction of solving new problems for new people; they want to do something NEW.   So they say they want more clients plus more interesting work plus more […]
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How to make joint client work fair
by Tony Vidler        More and more advisers within practices are doing joint client work and many practices still haven’t figured out a way to fairly apportion the responsibilities or revenue for long term success in the joint client work model.   Everyone begins with great intent and all focus is on doing the best […]
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The Strategic Evolution Of Advice Firms
by Tony Vidler        The evolution of advice firms into different service and revenue models is happening already of course, but the majority of financial advisory firms appear to still be trying to figure out what the next evolutionary step might be. There’s a classic cartoon that shows the way forward for those advice firms when […]
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Which Clients To Keep; Which Ones To Fire
by Tony Vidler         More clients is good, right? But when you have plenty of clients on the books the question becomes which clients to keep. Or which ones to get rid of.  Actually, advisers should be constantly asking these questions regardless of how big their book of clients actually is.  They are not questions […]
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Selling Change Inside Your Own Practice
by Tony Vidler        External challenges and changes mean we are often selling change – or the need for yet more change – inside our own practices to our own people. And that becomes yet another challenge, as change is frequently resisted.  What practice owners often don’t understand though is what it is that is actually […]
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Generalist or Specialist, You Can Still Achieve Exceptional Growth
by Tony Vidler        Some advisers opt to head down either the generalist or specialist path simply becuase that is what gives them professional satisfaction – and it is not about achieving particular commercial objectives. They work the way they do because they enjoy it.  Not everyone wants to have a business which achieves exceptional growth […]
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Balancing Adviser Needs and Clients Wants
by Tony Vidler        The professional Financial Advisers’ needs matter as much as the Clients’ wants.  Consumer groups & regulators will probably disagree of course, but the ideal practice is one which surely achieves this balance isn’t it?  After all, practitioners are trying to earn a living and meet the wants and needs of their own […]
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The Cyborg Practice: Blending Robos With Advice
by Tony Vidler        Future advice practices will be cyborgs; blending robos with advice.  Robotic product and solution delivery together with humans managing relationships and working on strategy will be the single commercial “organism”.   You see, I am convinced that robo-advice models will succeed and prosper. I am also convinced that human advisers will […]
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