practical planning


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What Is The Plan To Thrive Amidst All The Change?
by Tony Vidler        Is there a cunning plan for your practice to thrive amidst the changes coming at the financial advice sector from all directions? What is the plan then? What is the strategy? Those 2 questions might look like the same question, but they are not quite.  The cunning idea, or the strategy, is […]
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Focus On 3 Things To Make Next Year The Best Production Year Ever
by Tony Vidler        There are so many things you COULD plan to work on to improve next year, but what REALLY matters? Maybe having the best production year ever…that would be helpful.   It is easy to get caught up in making lots and lots of plans and goals and arranging to be incredibly […]
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Describe Your Advice Services In Practical Terms To Get More Buy-In
by Tony Vidler        Advice should, almost by definition, be “practical”.  Your advice services should be practical in that can be applied in the real world to achieve real differences, and any advice in any of your areas of expertise should be a clear course of action that a client can use to achieve a […]
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