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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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The Financial Advisory World Has Changed…For Good.
by Tony Vidler         Well there is no way now that we can think the financial advisory world will stay the same.  It has been signalling dramatic change for a few years, but the changes are now escalating at an even more dramatic rate than anyone could have predicted. It feels like it is all […]
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Referrals: You are probably letting hundreds go each year
by Tony Vidler        Why so many professionals struggle to get referral business consistently generally comes down to 2 things:   1.  They don’t position for them 2. They aren’t prepared in advance   Something like one-third to a half of the people we engage with might be prepared to provide referrals – IF we […]
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How One Successful Financial Planner Gets New Business (part 2)
by Tony Vidler         Professionals are always interested in what other professionals are doing that leads to new business and becoming more successful.  The constant question is: “What are others doing that are successful for them?”   In a previous post one leading financial planner shared where he gets his new business from, and the […]
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The Madness of Creating Videos Without a Master Plan
by Tony Vidler        A little while ago I participated in a survey on marketing by financial advisers internationally.  The results were intriguing in that clearly there is widespread recognition by advisers of the importance and effectiveness of creating videos as a communication and marketing medium, however there is a disconnect too as the majority […]
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creating customer convenience
The Professional Services Firm Model Of The Future Is Possibly A “Fast Food Alley”
by Tony Vidler        Ever noticed how the fast food stores tend to cluster together as some sort of “fast food alley”? Have you ever wondered why? There is a “convenience” element for the typical customer of course, however there is a more important reason – which might just be a useful lesson for professionals […]
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