multiple centres of influence


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Paying COI’s: Should You Be Sharing Fees Or Commissions?
by Tony Vidler        Is it appropriate to be paying COI’s a share of your success from their introductions or referrals? Should you share fees or commissions in other words. Personally, I think not.  However, it is just a little more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no” because there are perhaps conflicting views.  So […]
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How One Successful Financial Planner Gets New Business
by Tony Vidler         The one question that continually gets thrown to me is “What are other advisers doing that is successful for them?” Every so often one is willing to share their trade secrets, and this is how one local successful financial planner gets his business, and that he was happy to share: He […]
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Buildong a COI referral system for financial advisors
How to build a COI referral system
by Tony Vidler        If you want to get a regular, repeatable, stream of well qualified prospects for your business then nothing beats having  a Centre of Influence (COI) driving the right types of ideal clients to you.   A good COI will be an advocate for you and your business, and be proactively recommending […]
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A 15 Step Plan For Creating Constant Referrals
by Tony Vidler          The best way to generate constant referrals is by having “centers of influence” delivering qualified and interested prospects to you regularly. To do this successfully – especially with a number of COI’s – there 15 steps you have to work through.   It is a simple idea, and like so […]
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Appealing To An Influencers Self Interest For Common Good
by Tony Vidler        Advisers should not overlook the potential to generate more interest with influencers in referring clients by appealing to their self interest.   I am talking about their self-interest in the context of helping them keep their clients in business – not from the perspective of tryin g to simply make more […]
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How much TIME do super-successful advisers spend on marketing?
by Tony Vidler        How much an adviser should spend on marketing is a perennial question with an expectation that there is a definitive $ or % answer.   There isn’t.  So the better question is how much time should an adviser spend on marketing.   We know that time is money.  We know that […]
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Creating Equitable Referral Alliances
by Tony Vidler        For referral alliances to be sustainable both parties must feel that the alliance is equitable.  If one party keeps getting more out of it than the other, is that alliance likely to last long term?   One party at some point is going to feel that the relationship is rather one-sided […]
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How to work with multiple COI’s in the same sector
by Tony Vidler        Is it possible to work successfully with multiple COI’s (centre’s of influence) from the same sector?  Many professionals would say “no”…or they do to me anyway.  The feeling is that if the COI’s are competitors then one has to choose just one to work with.   That is partially true – […]
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The 10 Things To Get Right For COI’s To Start (and Keep) Referring
by Tony Vidler        A great Centre-of-Influence keeps referring…they are not really a COI unless they keep referring.  That relatively reliable constant stream of introduction to target market prospects can build an advisory business better than any other form of marketing – especially if you have a few of them.  So identifying a potentially great […]
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