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Professional Practice Evolution: What Separates Modern Professionals From The Past?
by Tony Vidler        There are lessons to be learned from the evolution of the modern professional practice for those who are not quite there yet. When you compare the two – the modern professional financial advisory practice, and the historic product-focussed financial services brokerage business – it seems there are 5 distinct points of difference […]
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Your Reputation IS Your Personal Brand – and that matters most
by Tony Vidler        For most advisers the only brand that truly matters is, or should be, their reputation.  It IS their personal brand.  The corporate brand, or licensees brand, or dealer group or favourite financial insititutions…they are secondary to YOUR brand.  And when it comes to your personal brand, reputation is everything really. A […]
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The Ultimate Personal Brand Position: Own A Word
by Tony Vidler        The ultimate goal in building a strong personal brand is to own a word in your target markets mind.  It may be own a phrase rather than own “a word” of course, but the point is you want to be KNOWN for something.  You want to create a position where your target […]
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Target Marketing: The Smart Play For Your Advice Business
by Tony Vidler        Target marketing is usually the difference between those firms who get the right sort of clients, and those who just get customers. Clients follow advice, because they value it. Customers engage in transactions.  They buy products.  They take a bit of advice here and there…as it suits them. Trying to get more […]
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You COULD generate more business than you can handle if you use digital marketing well
by Tony Vidler        Regular readers will know that I am a massive fan of using social media and other digital marketing tools and tactics, especially in professional services where we are trying to market our expertise, rather than sell a tangible product.  My reasons are simple: we need to create recognition in our target markets […]
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A simple way to boost your marketing impact with your daily emails
by Tony Vidler        Have you thought about the marketing impact you could get with your daily emails?  Probably not, because rarely do we think of the 60-100 emails we send 1-to-1 daily as “marketing” so we also don’t think of them in terms of having a potential return on investment either.  But we should…in fact […]
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Give COI’s the experience of what you do
by Tony Vidler        One of the most effective things you can do to create confidence and support from prospective COI’s is take them through your client experience. Actually do the job that you do, for the Centre Of Influence. It is incredibly powerful and effective, and the chances are good that you will pick them […]
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Top Of Mind Awareness: Being Present Without Being A Nuisance
by Tony Vidler        Promoting our personal professional brand is essentially all about creating top-of-mind-awareness.  Being the person that our target market thinks of, and then calls, when they recognise a need or desire is our goal. We want to be “top of mind”. To achieve that we must master the art of being present, but without […]
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How to work out which digital tactics are your best chance of connecting with your target market
by Tony Vidler         Digital marketing MUST be on every advisers radar by now, but which digital tactics are best for your practice remains a burning question for many it seems. The answer to that depends on what you are trying to achieve from digital marketing of course, and as always, one should begin with the […]
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Give yourself a better chance of having prospects engage you
by Tony Vidler        There is one simple thing that advisers should do to improve the probability that prospects will engage you: Talk about the outcomes you create for clients rather than talking jargon. In engagement letters and scope of service documents, as well as in advertising brochures or online, too many advisers list their expertise […]
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