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If you want people buying your advice, then dumb it down!
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to getting people buying your advice one of the best tips I can give is “dumb it down- but don’t treat them like dummies“. There is a big difference between “dumbing it down” and treating people as if they are dumb.  The first is about simplifying the message in […]
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You COULD generate more business than you can handle if you use digital marketing well
by Tony Vidler        Regular readers will know that I am a massive fan of using social media and other digital marketing tools and tactics, especially in professional services where we are trying to market our expertise, rather than sell a tangible product.  My reasons are simple: we need to create recognition in our target markets […]
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Top Of Mind Awareness: Being Present Without Being A Nuisance
by Tony Vidler        Promoting our personal professional brand is essentially all about creating top-of-mind-awareness.  Being the person that our target market thinks of, and then calls, when they recognise a need or desire is our goal. We want to be “top of mind”. To achieve that we must master the art of being present, but without […]
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How to work out which digital tactics are your best chance of connecting with your target market
by Tony Vidler         Digital marketing MUST be on every advisers radar by now, but which digital tactics are best for your practice remains a burning question for many it seems. The answer to that depends on what you are trying to achieve from digital marketing of course, and as always, one should begin with the […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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How To Generate Introductions Whenever You Want Them, To Whoever You Want
by Tony Vidler        Referral business is pure gold…it is the Holy Grail for advisers to be running a business where they are only working with referrals. Introductions are even better. Most advisers sit back and wait for clients or centre’s of influence to refer, but you can generate the referrals – or introductions -you […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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How Often Should We Contact Clients?
by Tony Vidler        “How much is too much contact?”   “How often is too often?” What is the right volume to contact clients? Much of the standard industry thinking around these questions is in fact quite dated I believe.  For example, go back not that many years and good marketers providing a lot of […]
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You really do have to sell more to your clients.
by Tony Vidler        Your clients will stay with you longer and be more valuable to you if you cross-sell more products and services to them. You will be more valuable to them if you sell more of what you do to them. Yes, yes…I know…there is that word “sell” and it doesn’t sit well […]
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Who you know matters more than anything else
by Tony Vidler        There’s too much emphasis now placed upon “what you know“.   Who you know matters more if you want to have a successful business. I know…I know…heresy! (But hear me out). Most professional advisers today actually know enough.  Sure, we always need to improve and there’s always more to learn and continuous […]
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