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The Strategic Evolution Of Advice Firms
by Tony Vidler        The evolution of advice firms into different service and revenue models is happening already of course, but the majority of financial advisory firms appear to still be trying to figure out what the next evolutionary step might be. There’s a classic cartoon that shows the way forward for those advice firms when […]
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It Is Okay To Be Profitable
by Tony Vidler        The first rule of business is “be profitable”, and that is a concept which appears to cause industry stakeholders some issues when it comes to judging financial advisory firms.   That pisses me off to be honest.   In any number of countries there is debate driven from government, consumer advocates, […]
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Replacing Insurance: Right? or Always Wrong?
by Tony Vidler         Replacing insurance – or “Churning” as it is often called –  is a topic guaranteed to generated heated debate within the industry.  At one extreme there are advisers whose entire business seems to exist by churning anything and everything that they can get their hands on…regardless of consequences to the consumer.  At […]
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Who Does That Adviser Work For?
by Tony Vidler        Which financial adviser is going to be right: the one who charges a fee; the one who is “free”; or; the one charging a commission?  Or is it the one who does all of these?     Well I suggest that it depends on what you are hoping for and what you […]
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Commission-Based Life & Health Advisers Need To Get Moving
by Tony Vidler        There is clearly a mood afoot for various industry stakeholders to see up-front commissions reduce in size in a number of financial products, particularly in life and health insurance products.   It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy of course, as the more it gets debated the greater the acceptance of the inevitability.  […]
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Most Advisers Are Frogs Being Boiled Alive When It Comes To Fees
by Tony Vidler        Most financial advisers acknowledge that things are likely to change when it comes to fees, initial commissions, renewals or AUM fees and so forth in coming years.   Yet they behave like the frog being boiled.  The boiling frog story is a common metaphor used to describe the inability or unwillingness of […]
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soft dollars adviser incentives
Soft Dollars are terminally ill….thankfully
By Tony Vidler, CFP CLU ChFC I’m calling it: Soft dollars for financial advisers as we know them today is officially “terminally ill”.  Their death is not quite guaranteed, but the odds are very high that they shall die soon’ish…  But I personally think they will die far faster than most expect.  And thank God […]
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Commissions, Conflicted Advice…and finding common ground
by Tony Vidler has happened. Life Insurance sales commission in Australia is regulated to lower levels, albeit with a phase in period. (See: Life Insurance Commission Reform is Happening In Australia)   The arguments have at times been ferocious, and those arguments are being watched closely in other jurisdictions such as New Zealand.  Here one […]
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