financial adviser prospecting


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Here is how to explain, and show, your value to a client in 30 seconds
by Tony Vidler        I am a massive fan of using simple diagrams to explain technical ideas, but they are also a fabulous way of articulating concepts that people struggle to grasp. One of my favourites is a very simple picture that anyone can scribble on a scrap of paper in 30 seconds, which is […]
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prospecting fishing analogy
Prospecting tip: “Fish at your feet first”
by Tony Vidler A fisherman friend gave me a great prospecting tip: fish at your feet first. His point was a simple one: why spend a lot of effort casting, and risking throwing your bait, and then having to reel in loads of line until you’ve caught the ones right in front of you? Isn’t […]
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How to get more eyeballs on your Call-To-Action
by Tony Vidler        Getting prospective customers to move from content engagement to your call-to-action is a critical step in improving qualified leads, and conversions of them to clients.  One of the things I love about technology today is that there are always new applications helping you to improve your sales and marketing efforts in this […]
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Paying COI’s: Should You Be Sharing Fees Or Commissions?
by Tony Vidler        Is it appropriate to be paying COI’s a share of your success from their introductions or referrals? Should you share fees or commissions in other words. Personally, I think not.  However, it is just a little more complicated than a simple “yes” or “no” because there are perhaps conflicting views.  So […]
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If you still need more clients then you probably need different skills
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers who need more clients need to be better marketers than salespeople in todays environment.  For most that means they probably need new, or more, skills.  Not more technical skills; more commercial skills.   While financial advisers have been figuring out how to get ever-more-compliant and deliver yet-more-paper over the […]
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How do you create an “Act Now” mindset with clients?
by Tony Vidler        One of the ongoing challenge in marketing professional services is simply getting people to “act now”.  We have to overcome their lack of urgency. Because our service will still be there tomorrow, right?  And usually the need to be addressed by us is a future need, and maybe well into the future….so […]
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Why we get fee resistance
by Tony Vidler        Whether we like it or not there is always the possibility of fee resistance in delivering financial advice, and how we present our service is a large part of that problem.  Price is always a problem in the absence of obvious value.  It doesn’t have to be…we just need to think through […]
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Is Insurance Churn Really The Issue We Think It is?
by Tony Vidler         Any time an insurance product is replaced by an adviser with an alternative one someone complains about “insurance churn” or the “twisting of policies” and the immediate inference is that something unethical just occurred.  Sometimes that is true of course, and there are undoubtedly bottom feeders in the industry who survive by […]
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How much client contact is too much contact?
by Tony Vidler        Getting the frequency of newsletters or regular client communications right is a real challenge.  How much is too much, and runs the risk of you being a nuisance?  How much is too little, and runs the risk of you being forgotten? The right answer is “it depends”. It depends on your audience, […]
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How to make sure email marketing is effective
by Tony Vidler        Effective email marketing is a lot tougher now than just 2 or 3 years ago, yet it is still one of the most effective marketing methods available if we get it right. In the old days, say 4 years ago, a good mailing list together with a branded email platform and great […]
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