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Making the move into charging fees for advice
by Tony Vidler        The easiest way for advisers who are worried about trying to charge fees for their expertise or time is to sell a service which is not product related at all.  This seems daunting to the many financial advisers who have “grown up” in an environment where they were paid by commissions […]
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Different communications are methods needed for different clients
by Tony Vidler         Different people learn and comprehend in different ways, and different sorts of clients need different sorts of communications methods and styles if messaging is to be truly effective.   One size really does not fit all.   A Little while ago LIMRA did some research on preferred methods of communications by […]
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Lead Nurturing: “Me luv you long time” actually pays off
by Tony Vidler        It’s funny how the phrase “me luv you long time” has become iconic while being used as a blatant untruth.  The way it is used in modern pop culture is to highlight precisely the opposite attitude – me no luv you much at all, but me luv your money.  Adopting this […]
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Could Advisers Be DRIVING Revenue To Online Providers?
by Tony Vidler        I do keep wondering if advisers realise how much revenue is waiting to be unlocked by them inside their existing business?   A little while ago I was talking with a business that provides outsourced client servicing solutions and they provided me with some of their data from working with financial […]
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Why Lawyers sell more than Financial Planners
by Tony Vidler        Why is it that everyone tells jokes about lawyers and begrudges their work, yet lawyers tend to do pretty well in business?   How is it that lawyers who tend to be pretty awful at marketing their services get so much business?   Why is it that so many financial advisers […]
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Value is not Black and White, it is Shades of Grey
by Tony Vidler        At the most basic level “Value” can easily be defined: Value is Benefits less Costs. That simple definition doesn’t highlight the enormous range of definitions for “Benefits” though, which is why trying to understand what value is results in everyone seeing a different shade of grey. The range of possible benefits […]
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Should you be marketing to your existing clients?
by Tony Vidler        What do you want most from your marketing: 1.  More customers, or, 2.  More revenue?   Most marketing efforts are aimed at trying to convince strangers to bring their business to you.  New clients are good of course, and are in fact vital for the long term success of a business.   […]
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Professional Selling: It is a real thing!
by Tony Vidler        Professional and selling are apparently 2 words which according to many just don’t go together these days…except they really do.  I’ll go further in fact and say that professionals MUST be selling, but, selling must be professional.   While there is an absolute requirement to place the clients interests above all […]
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Regulation of financial advisors
Time to get with the program on regulation
by Tony Vidler        For all the distractions, downtime and inefficiency that comes with new (or more) financial services regulation it is very easy to see it as an imposition.  Many advisers conclude that regulation is simply bureaucracy which in itself creates little to no value.   I am no fan of meaningless bureaucracy, but […]
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Outsourcing: Can that “expert” actually walk the talk?
by Tony Vidler        They say that the easiest people to sell to are the people who sell for a living, and there is a bit of truth to that.   Who the advisers turn to for advice in their business affairs often astounds me.  Nowhere is this more true than when it comes to […]
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