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The 5 Levels Of Professional Competence
by Tony Vidler        Professional competence is now a clearly demonstrable thing isn’t it? Or is it?  Can an adviser be considered as having competence and incompetence simultaneously? I think so. Competence has been a primary focus of regulatory reform, and that’s fair enough.  Consumers have a right to expect it from their advisers and […]
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Where should your Professional Development focus be: becoming a Brilliant Technician or an Orchestrator running the show?
by Tony Vidler        Professional development is all the rage…the regulators and the professional associations and training providers in the compliance space are all putting it top of mind continuously.  And virtually all of them have an extremely narrow focus when it comes to the concept of developing a professional. They want to develope brilliant […]
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coaching changes
This is why many Advisers (and practices) do not grow
by Tony Vidler        Growing productivity – or getting financial advisers to grow themselves and their business capability – appears to be a problem no matter who you talk to in financial services.  And it doesn’t need to be.   All too often the lack of growth in production levels by advisers or the lack […]
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professional development for financial advisors
The problem with Professional Development programs
by Tony Vidler Most training programmes for financial advisers end up being vaguely disappointing for the participants. Often the feeling is that the training is a bit too academic or theoretical and hard to implement in one’s practice…but the real reason why training fails is because it doesn’t address all the necessary components.  In order […]
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New Thinking In Professional Development For Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        One of the positive changes for financial advisers in this part of the world in the last year was a broadening of what can be considered Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Now, instead of solely focussing upon technical learning, we are entering a regime where advisers have to map out their own […]
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