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Why your FREE service is a barrier to getting the right business
by Tony Vidler        Most professionals at some point offer complimentary initial meetings or consultations with clients as a “free service”.   It simply isn’t true, and that in itself prevents the right sort of clients coming your way. The fundamental reason why this just doesn’t cut it with consumers is because they don’t believe […]
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The 6 P’s of Sustained Peak Performance
by Tony Vidler        How to stay on top of your game, get the results that you want in business, and maintain peak performance….it all comes down to having a system, or a process.   Consistent output does after all usually result from consistent inputs….but putting in the right amount of the right things is what […]
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Is it just a bad day or is it a bad job?
by Tony Vidler        How can you tell if you are just having a bad day on the job, or whether it is time to move on from the job completely?   There’s no escaping the fact that even in great jobs that we love, there are days where things just don’t go the way […]
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