company culture


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The times are a changin’…Business as usual is a dead end!
by Tony Vidler        The difference between any two professional practices filled with well qualified and well meaning people is usually that a different culture exists in each. All businesses develop a “way we do things here” over time…whether they meant to or not.  A culture evolves within the business…whether you wanted it to or […]
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The 3 Barriers To Adviser Business Success
by Tony Vidler        There are 3 distinct barriers every adviser must manage in their career if they want business success. I am defining “business success” as having more than a job.   Success therefore is wanting their job to become their business.  Each of the hurdles is a defining point which can see an adviser plateau […]
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What You Reward Must Be What You Value, right?
by Tony Vidler        Perhaps the greatest challenge for practices wishing to grow their people, profitability and professional standards is determining what you reward.  And that’s about what you value.  What behaviours you reward must be a reflection of what you really value in your business, right?   Why is it that so many firms […]
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How does culture create lasting success?
by Tony Vidler          If you doubt that culture can create lasting success, then consider this: Imagine a sports team (or club if you prefer) that competed continuously for well over 100 years and during that time had a winning record against all comers of over 83%?  The best that every nation on earth can […]
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creating a company culture
How to create the Advisory Firm culture that you WANT
by Tony Vidler        New regulatory expectations for financial advisers include defining and articulating their culture.  How does the advisory firm’ culture get defined requires some deep thinking, but then so too does the matter of ensuring that the culture you defined is actually reflected in your firms’ actions. How do you create the culture […]
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To grow your practice, “Get out and make more mistakes”
by Tony Vidler        You want to grow your practice, right?  Well my first piece of advice may seem odd but it is this: “get out and make more mistakes”   Dangerous advice!  Reckless even perhaps….   …however it is the best way to grow.   It is also the only way to innovate or to […]
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