communicate with clients


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Crisis Communications: Sending Virtual Hugs
by Tony Vidler        ok…maybe it isn’t appropriate for professionals to actually send virtual hug memes.  But then, maybe it is.  It all depends on the relationship you have with the client doesn’t it?  For some it might indeed be right….but that isn’t really the point of this article. It is the concept of “sending virtual […]
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The most preferred, and most effective, client communication tool?
by Tony Vidler        Engaging with clients and prospects is critical to getting the right business from the right people, and there is a surefire client communication winner (still): The humble electronic newsletter. Let’s begin by thinking about what you are trying to achieve with any client engagement method and you will probably come up […]
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Maybe the client IS the problem
by Tony Vidler        What you think is the problem is not always actually the problem.  Sometimes the person is the problem. Sometimes, maybe, the client is the problem rather than you. Before talking about clients though allow me to use a non-client example.  Picture the scene: a partner in a practice is telling me about […]
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Different communications are methods needed for different clients
by Tony Vidler         Different people learn and comprehend in different ways, and different sorts of clients need different sorts of communications methods and styles if messaging is to be truly effective.   One size really does not fit all.   A Little while ago LIMRA did some research on preferred methods of communications by […]
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