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You really do have to sell more to your clients.
by Tony Vidler        Your clients will stay with you longer and be more valuable to you if you cross-sell more products and services to them. You will be more valuable to them if you sell more of what you do to them. Yes, yes…I know…there is that word “sell” and it doesn’t sit well […]
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Some Advisory Firm’s Are “Going Out Of Business” Without Even Realising It
by Tony Vidler        I have a strong sense that a lot of advisory firms are “going out of business” at the moment and don’t even realise it.   For a very long time markets were going well, and commission and fee rates were at the high end of the scale, and there were plenty […]
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why financial planning clients leave the financial adviser
Client Twisting: Why clients move
by Tony Vidler        Clients move firms.  It is just a fact of life.  When they leave us most times we blame someone else…we call it “twisting” or “churning”. The immediate inference is the client only left because somebody else – who is less ethical – took perfectly good business and moved it for no […]
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Where will the greatest disruption to your practice come from?
by Tony Vidler        Disruption has long been a feature of financial services distribution.  Disruption constantly occurs with new market entrants, product innovation, shifting strategic focus on the part of suppliers in relation to control or autonomy of distributors….but disruption has typically come from within the industry itself.   Some years ago I read a piece […]
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Maybe Financial Advisers Could Be Selling Coffee?
by Tony Vidler        Do you remember when petrol stations competed on client service? Fundamentally they were all selling the same basic commodity, at about the same price, to anyone who drove up.  That included the regulars who lived in the area and who had high lifetime value and the out-of-towners cruising through who just needed […]
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Client Segmentation Needs To Be Done Commercially
by Tony Vidler        It is logical to do a bit of client segmentation so that you can figure out what levels of service can be offered to which clients profitably.  The funny thing is that most of the time it is the “profitably” part that gets lost in the client categorisation process….   While […]
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What do you have to change to keep clients?
by Tony Vidler        The first priority for any adviser in tougher times is to keep clients that you currently have, right?  Then you can afford to worry about getting new ones. Changes to financial services are coming thick and fast, and advisers know that clients are rapidly changing in their expectations of service, solutions and […]
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How to build a good Advisory Practice client service system
by Tony Vidler        Good service is good business. For financial advisers, service really IS the business, because that is how you build capital value.  Great clients who stay with the firm when ownership changes is your retirement plan isn’t it? How do you build a good system of service though that ensures you are […]
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