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How to make sure email marketing is effective
by Tony Vidler        Effective email marketing is a lot tougher now than just 2 or 3 years ago, yet it is still one of the most effective marketing methods available if we get it right. In the old days, say 4 years ago, a good mailing list together with a branded email platform and great […]
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A simple way to boost your marketing impact with your daily emails
by Tony Vidler        Have you thought about the marketing impact you could get with your daily emails?  Probably not, because rarely do we think of the 60-100 emails we send 1-to-1 daily as “marketing” so we also don’t think of them in terms of having a potential return on investment either.  But we should…in fact […]
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4 Ways to make your emails more effective marketing tools!
by Tony Vidler        Your emails should be effective marketing tools, because there is no doubt that the most frequently used method of business communication today is still email.  One could go so far as to say it is still the dominant digital marketing medium. If it is the dominant communication medium and already costing […]
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How to make Email Marketing even more effective
by Tony Vidler        Email marketing is a proven winner if done well, and one which is almost made for professional services firms to use more effectively than other sectors perhaps There are some fundamentals which go into making any email marketing campaign good of course, and we cover some of those in this weeks […]
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What is “Good” Content To Use In Your Marketing?
by Tony Vidler        With prospects taking longer than ever to convert into clients, “good” content has become king as that is what keeps them engaged as they move along their buying journey.  Notice I said “good” content…..not just any old content.   But what is “good”?  Content which is good is the content which […]
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The powerful marketing tool that you use every day, but hardly use for actual marketing
by Tony Vidler        The most powerful marketing tool most professionals have is the one they use scores of times daily, but which they usually do not do any actual marketing with.   email.   Love it or loathe it, we all use it.  It is not going away anytime soon, and it is not about […]
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Are you making the most of your email marketing opportunities?
by Tony Vidler        Possibly THE most important marketing tool any adviser has is email.  It is the critical link between marketing and sales….the thing that connects the leads, or opportunities created by your marketing efforts, into engaged prospects and ultimately clients as it is the primary means of moving to personalised advice or engagement.   […]
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Financial Advisers Digital Marketing Starter Pack
by Tony Vidler        If you are an adviser who has mastered digital marketing then you don’t need to read this.  If you’re an adviser who thinks having a website IS the digital marketing plan, then you need to read on. My reason for being that blunt at the outset is that I want to just […]
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smartphone means smarter marketing needed
“My Phone is My Life” – Smartphones mean smarter marketing is needed
by Tony Vidler        Today’s professionals know it because we are them: Our smartphone is our life.   Is our marketing smart enough in the smartphone world though?   In little old New Zealand alone there are now more phones than humans, and 70% of the humans are using smartphones.  In fact they are using […]
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the prospecting process
Prospecting Today: It is a process, not a thing
by Tony Vidler        Prospecting today is a continual process, not a series of one off actions as it once was.     Eons ago when financial advisory work was essentially just a continual series of product sales the prospecting required to be successful was repetitive and continual, but each prospecting call was a one-time […]
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