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Do you really know what your clients want?
by Tony Vidler        Do you really know what your clients want?   A classic mistake that professionals tend to repeat is assuming that their clients all want the same thing, which coincidentally is the very thing that the professional specialises in.  There are usually 2 things wrong with this assumption:    clients are not all […]
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The challenge of the DIY consumers for Financial Advisers
by Tony Vidler        Some telling research was done by Dr Claire Matthews of Massey University that highlighted the DIY (Do It Yourself) consumers mindset, and the challenges which that poses for financial advisers. The research was specifically on “KiwiSaver and Retirement Savings”, and explored some of the issues and attitudes of Kiwi’s. While the research […]
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Marketing places where Advisers just HAVE to be
by Tony Vidler        Even if Financial Advisers don’t feel the need to do marketing I would suggest that there are still some marketing places to be for advisers who feel they have enough clients.   Even when prospecting for new clients is not a particular issue, professional credibility is.  Suppliers, potential referrers, Centres Of Influence…they […]
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Financial Adviser Titles: What’s in a name?
by Tony Vidler        Do financial adviser titles matter?  A good question given the number of advisers who seem to try and elevate their professional positioning by referring to themselves as something other than “a financial adviser”.  You know what I mean….financial advisers who have titles like “Risk Mitigation Specialist” or “Personal Financial Manager”….     Something […]
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How can you value financial advice?
by Tony Vidler        Putting a value upon financial advice is a tough issue for advisers and consumers alike.  There is a pretty basic concept as far as “Value” goes for any consumer purchase though which is not a bad starting point, and it can be put into a formula: “Value = Benefits – Cost“ It […]
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The cost of convenience in insurance: Underwrite at proposal time, or claim time?
by Tony Vidler        Convenience in insurance can come at a steep cost: When does your client want to have the drama with their insurance company? At underwriting time, or at claim time? The cover is going to get underwritten at some point, it really is just a matter of when. This is a confusing facet […]
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Are Advisers Overlooking The Obvious?
by Tony Vidler        Advisers are racing to use new technologies and modify engagement & busines processes, and that is totally understandable.  But there is a real risk of losing sight of the essentials and overlooking some basics.   Like, answering a customer enquiry.  Or helping your community in the way you can help best – […]
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Pro Bono Pays In The Long Run
by Tony Vidler        Pro bono is a novel concept for many in an evolving profession – working for free for the public good.  But pro bono pays in the long run in a number of ways for a professional.  It may sound counter-intuitive but giving away your knowledge, skill and time for free is a […]
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Financial Advisers Digital Marketing Starter Pack
by Tony Vidler        If you are an adviser who has mastered digital marketing then you don’t need to read this.  If you’re an adviser who thinks having a website IS the digital marketing plan, then you need to read on. My reason for being that blunt at the outset is that I want to just […]
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Position Advice Properly as Success Coaching
by Tony Vidler        The perennial challenge in selling advice is positioning it as valuable, and we should think about it and describe it the right way: great advice is about coaching. It IS coaching.   Giving advice is all about analysing the desired outcomes for clients, weighing up the possibilities, deciding on the optimal […]
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