Using Visuals To Sell Bad News And Complex Ideas
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Using Visuals To Sell Bad News And Complex Ideas

August 3, 2022

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo


Disclaimers and fine print don’t ever really help in selling tough ideas, but visuals do sell complex or tough-to-swallow concepts quickly and easily.


Nowhere is this more true than when you want to manage client expectations and “pre-sell” what is likely to happen in the future so that everyone avoids nasty surprises…or…so that everyone recognises opportunities!


We know that people usually grasp complex information for more quickly and have far greater recall of that information later when it is presented in visual format, yet, advisers have drifted towards less graphic presentation and more fine print as a result of the increased compliance focus in recent years.  Essentially this means that more often than not our reports or presentations are actually less effective than they could be in terms of educating clients or helping them understand how things are likely to work over time.  As a result thee tends to be more clients who feel disgruntled or disappointed when the inevitable market correction comes or there is a price hike in their products and so forth.


The reason for that is that they didn’t expect it….despite our pages of disclaimers and fine print in our mega-reports.  In this weeks quick video we look at how to use a visual to manage expectations and pre-sell future bad news as the opportunity that it really is – and strengthen the clients understanding…


Watch the video to learn more…


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