by Tony Vidler
It has been proven repeatedly that providing a guarantee in your fees for prospective clients certainly helps them decide to engage – and it is not a difficult thing to do, even though “guarantee” is a dangerous word for financial advisers.
Financial advice fees can seem to be enormously expensive to many prospective clients, and that becomes even scarier when there is no certainty about what the eventual cost might become. When the meter is running on every conversation and the advice invoice potentially mounting up with every question or additional piece of analysis, the cost of planning can become frightening for potential clients.
It is that unknown possibility of what the cost might become which is the main barrier, and it is the unknown cost that we can address to take away the fear.
In this weeks quick tips we run through an easy way to introduce a cost guarantee for clients, which both introduces immediate value and removes one of the biggest barriers to clients engaging in the advice process…
Watch the video to learn more…
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