10 Top Tips for Trade Show Prospecting
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos

10 Top Tips for Trade Show Prospecting

April 20, 2022

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

trade-show-prospecting-tipsTrade show prospecting will be making a comeback, and these large “expo’s” are potentially fabulous sources of qualified prospects if you are clear about who your target market is.  They can be a highly effective element in the firms marketing plan.


A trade show focussed on “Big Boys Toys” where it is all about luxury items and cool gadgets for people with more money than they know what to do with won’t be a good fit if your target market is young first-home-owning couples for example.  But if you are aiming for HNW folk then it becomes pretty useful…because they keep buying toys!  So the target audience for you and the trade show have to be somewhat similar to begin with, or everything that follows is basically useless.  However, given there are trade shows for people planning weddings, first home buyers, people planning home renovations, holidays and on and on…then there is a good chance that there is a trade show somewhere focussing upon the types of prospects that many advisory firms want.  Not every expo or trade show will be a good fit for every adviser looking for clients of course, but the point is that there are plenty which are.


Over the years of running with some expo’s myself and working with a few advisers who use them repeatedly for their primary prospecting methods, we’ve learned a few things about how to make them really effective – and “really effective” means going from generating perhaps 10 decent leads for a 2-day show to generating 50 decent leads – and with another couple of hundred possibles for the future.


With each trade show or expo you learn a little bit more, and refine the process and in this quick video I discuss the 10 “rules” that make a trade show exhibition work really well as a lead generation method…….


Watch the video to learn more…

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