Use Visual Aids To Create Better Advice Engagement
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Use Visual Aids To Create Better Advice Engagement

June 23, 2021

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

visual-aids-in-adviceAdvisers try to create simplicity from complexity, and the most effective way of doing that is to use visual aids. They create quicker understanding and better engagement simply because most people find it easier to comprehend new or difficult information when it is presented visually.


We all know from personal experience that people just won’t follow advice that they don’t understand, so getting visual in interviews and breaking down barriers to understanding has to be helpful for everyone involved.  With understanding comes action.


The beautiful thing is that to use visual aids effectively you do not have to have a data bank of powerpoint presentations.  Nor do you need loads of high tech gear or programmes, or a staff of graphic designers.  In fact, this is an area where going “old school” is actually very very effective.  In this weeks quick video we discuss how to go about introducing visual presentation into your advice process in a simple and effective way if you don’t already know where to begin…


Watch the video to learn more…


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 No Know-How for making great visuals? No worries, here’s loads of free ones…
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