The times are  a changin’…Business as usual is a dead end!
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The times are a changin'...Business as usual is a dead end!

March 1, 2023

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo

The difference between any two professional practices filled with well qualified and well meaning people is usually that a different culture exists in each.

All businesses develop a “way we do things here” over time…whether they meant to or not.  A culture evolves within the business…whether you wanted it to or not.

So, like it or not there is a culture already within your practice.  And we are all now in times of vastly increased scrutiny, with rapidly shifting expectations from external stakeholders in regards to behaviour, professionalism, systems….everything we do is subject to change on relatively short notice.

“Business as usual” is actually not an option any longer. What was “usual” a decade ago is no longer acceptable.  What was “usual” a year ago is now roundly condemned as being inadequate….and if your “usual” is simply the same as your competitors and there is no distinct culture that shows your values and commitment to clients then you are heading for a dead end.  It is just a question of how long that takes.

Your company culture pervades everything that your business does, from how staff answer the phone to whether they even return phone calls.  How client appointments are conducted through to how the staff act when meeting customers after hours, coincidentally, in the shopping mall.  Jan Carlson described these moments beautifully as “moments of truth” – and they are exactly that.  These moments, these small seemingly incidental acts that occur daily, are moments of truth because they visibly demonstrate the culture – or shared values – of the business.   Those values in turn can often determine whether a client does further business with you, or refers you to others….or not.

In this quick video we discuss how to consciously begin creating the culture you want in your business, rather than leaving it to chance.  You can create the culture you want, but it requires a conscious decision, a vision, articulation and reinforcement.

And you should definitely do that if you haven’t already ‘coz the times are a changin’….

Watch the video to learn more…

You might also be interested in this related article:
How To Create The Culture You Want In Your Business
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