The Easiest Way To Get More Referrals
Marketing Ideas & Quick Tips Videos

The Easiest Way To Get More Referrals

September 1, 2021

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo


The easiest method for anyone to generate and get more referrals and favourable introductions is to GIVE more referrals and introductions.


This is just not done as much as it could or should by most professionals, and usually they say it is because they “didn’t think of it”.   That begs the question of course:  If we can’t think to do it then what makes us think our clients will think to do it for us?


The real problem is not that we don’t think of doing it so much as we don’t make it part of our client engagement or marketing process.  We leave it to the whimsy of a fickle and crowded memory….and then of course us giving introductions and referrals to clients and influencers becomes an ad hoc and occasional thing.


How important is it to do?  Well it seems that the most successful advisers get approximately 10 x the number of referrals that struggling advisers do….and those same successful advisers give 10 x as many referrals as the struggling advisers do…..coincidence?  I don’t think so.


In this weeks quick video we show you the difference that giving referrals makes to the number of referrals that you get, and identify the key question which must be built into part of your client files reviews in order to start generating more incoming referrals for your business…

Watch the video to learn more…

You might also be interested in this related article:
 10 Steps To Programming Clients For Referrals
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