financial advice prospecting


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Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Most of your target market today go on a “buying journey”.  That means they largely control what and when they will buy our products and services…and it is rarely a snap decision made the same day.  It is a process of increasing awareness, education and trust building. Every practice needs to be […]
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These 4 things make it easy for prospects to say YES
by Tony Vidler        We all want all of our prospects to say YES, but getting them to do so isn’t necessarily about having a clever line that they can’t say “no” to. Which do you think is more effective with todays educated, wary and sophisticated consumer? 1. The clever sales technique that has you […]
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prospecting fishing analogy
Prospecting tip: “Fish at your feet first”
by Tony Vidler A fisherman friend gave me a great prospecting tip: fish at your feet first. His point was a simple one: why spend a lot of effort casting, and risking throwing your bait, and then having to reel in loads of line until you’ve caught the ones right in front of you? Isn’t […]
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If you still need more clients then you probably need different skills
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers who need more clients need to be better marketers than salespeople in todays environment.  For most that means they probably need new, or more, skills.  Not more technical skills; more commercial skills.   While financial advisers have been figuring out how to get ever-more-compliant and deliver yet-more-paper over the […]
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One sure way to build an audience
by Tony Vidler        As more professionals lean more on social media  as an integral part of their marketing a common question is “how do I get more people following me?“.  How do you guild an audience in other words. There are a lot of ways to create an audience of course, but there is […]
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Get other businesses to get you new business
by Tony Vidler        In the perpetual search for new ways to get new clients many professional service firms overlook a really obvious, and incredibly lucrative, way of getting new business. That is getting other businesses to send their new clients to you.  Unlike Center-Of-Influence (COI) marketing where an individual directs individual potential new client […]
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Let Your Prospects Try-Before-They-Buy
by Tony Vidler        “try before you buy” is a great way of removing risk for a consumer from a big purchasing decision, isn’t it? We can learn from the retail sector here because they figured this out years ago.  One of the toughest challenges is getting customers to switch brands or products. You know […]
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How Effective is Advertising For Lead Generation?
by Tony Vidler        Lead generation advertising is one of those things that every firm considers and is willing to do…but only if they are confident it will work.  And every firm has seen too much of it that doesn’t work to have confidence in spending big money on lead generation advertising. Yet, there is […]
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How To Fix A Prospecting Problem
by Tony Vidler        The “prospecting problem” is the most frequently requested area for help from financial advisers…it is the perennial problem.  There just never seems to be quite enough of them to meet the new client acquisition needs of the firm AND it is getting harder to get prospects attention and have them engage. […]
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Lead with the business you DON’T want to get the business you DO want
by Tony Vidler        We all want to get more business, but we really want to just get the right sort of business for ourselves or our firm naturally.   If you have figured out what sort of business it is you do want to get then you have (by default) figured out the areas of […]
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