Get The Right Advisory Board For Your Business
Practice Management & Quick Tips Videos & Strategic Issues

Get The Right Advisory Board For Your Business

May 21, 2024

by Tony Vidler  CFP logo   CLU logo  ChFC logo
Appointing and Advisory Board is the big step from running a small advice business providing a good lifestyle to running a practice that leverages you.   An Advisory Board should mean bringing in the outside expertise and accountability that your owner-operated busines doesn’t have…and needs if it is to grow.

Putting together the right Advisory Board for your business does take a little work, but is perhaps not quite as hard as many think it is.

A little reflection and self-analysis is the first step as you have to understand what business skills or knowledge your business is currently lacking in, and perhaps most importantly, your own style.  Your business has been built around you, so your style of business management needs to be complemented wherever possible by your governance team.

Then there are only a few big decision points in getting the process moving ahead.  The size of the board, the particular experience or skill set needed, and where to begin looking for board members.  Understanding what talent is needed and then finding it is really the crux of building your business with the right advisers.

In this quick video we discuss those issues, and provide some tips on how to go about getting the right advisers “On Board”.

…watch the video to learn more… 

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