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Pitching Your Marketing To The Target Client’s Buying Journey
by Tony Vidler        Most of your target market today go on a “buying journey”.  That means they largely control what and when they will buy our products and services…and it is rarely a snap decision made the same day.  It is a process of increasing awareness, education and trust building. Every practice needs to be […]
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How to get your prospects attention…and keep it.
by Tony Vidler        Sad but true apparently: The average Goldfish has a greater attention span than the average human reader. That presents a bit of a challenge when it comes to us getting prospects’ attention and then holding it long enough to make our point and get them interested in engaging with us. If […]
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Are You “Marketing” The Right Message?
by Tony Vidler        Do you know what business you are in? Are you clear on what you achieve for customers?   Does your marketing message reinforce that?   Are you marketing what it is you actually DO, rather than what you know or who you are…or worse: you are marketing some other businesses products […]
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Creating Happy Clients Is Not Enough
by Tony Vidler        Creating and keeping happy clients IS essential for the success of a professional practice.  There is no question about that.  But is it enough to help a practice grow at a greater than industry average pace?   I don’t believe so.   Being a great practitioner and running an efficient & […]
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How To Become A Recognised Expert
by Tony Vidler        Many financial advisers would like to become a recognised expert in a particular area, and for many of them this is a genuine opportunity which they should pursue. The competency, depth of knowledge or mastery of subject, and professionalism are all there more often than not.  They are already actually experts […]
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telephone track closing
Getting the right style and structure for an effective telephone track
by Tony Vidler        Being able to build an effective telephone track is a core skill for any adviser, and yet, so few seem to understand how to build one.  It is perhaps one of those “lost sales skills” from the last decade or so, where new entrants into the advice industry have veered away […]
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give away for recommendation
Little Giveaways Can Generate Recomendations
by Tony Vidler        If you want to generate recommendations from clients and prospects it pays to understand how it is a different process from getting referrals, and if referrals are “the gold medal” then recommendations are the “silver”.  Not the ultimate perhaps, but well worth having, and arguable a little easier to get.   […]
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what's in it for me
Answer the only question that matters and prospects will give you what you want
by Tony Vidler        The only question that matters to prospects is “W.I.I.F.M?”  The big “what’s in it for me?” question is the only question that matters when we are dealing with a prospective customer…someone who WE want to talk more to, but who doesn’t yet want to talk to us.   So what is […]
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