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3 Must Haves For Effective Marketing Copy
by Tony Vidler        For marketing copy to be truly effective it must have  “readability”. If something is easy to read and comprehend quickly then it will be effective – assuming the actual message wasn’t rubbish to begin with. If you have a good offer, or story, or service and can word that well then […]
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First, Become Famous In Your Neighbourhood
by Tony Vidler        Where are your advertising dollars, and efforts, going to get the best return? It seems that the majority of small businesses get the majority of their new clients from their local area, which is not terribly surprising given that most professional service businesses largely compete on “convenience”. Without a compelling value […]
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How to create more compelling offers
by Tony Vidler        What financial advisers do is valuable, but it is often not compelling.  To creating more compelling offers  we need to bring the long term into short term focus, and the secret to that is defining short term gain. Because retirement is so far away…there’s plenty of time to do stuff, right?  […]
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Your Marketing Tactics? Well, it depends…
by Tony Vidler        Which marketing tactics are worth considering for your professional promotion largely comes down at the start to being clear about your desired positioning.  Are you wanting to be seen as a “General Practitioner” or are you trying to establish a position as a “Specialist” for a start?   The tactics that […]
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Are You “Marketing” The Right Message?
by Tony Vidler        Do you know what business you are in? Are you clear on what you achieve for customers?   Does your marketing message reinforce that?   Are you marketing what it is you actually DO, rather than what you know or who you are…or worse: you are marketing some other businesses products […]
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Describe Your Advice Services In Practical Terms To Get More Buy-In
by Tony Vidler        Advice should, almost by definition, be “practical”.  Your advice services should be practical in that can be applied in the real world to achieve real differences, and any advice in any of your areas of expertise should be a clear course of action that a client can use to achieve a […]
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Generalist or Specialist, You Can Still Achieve Exceptional Growth
by Tony Vidler        Some advisers opt to head down either the generalist or specialist path simply becuase that is what gives them professional satisfaction – and it is not about achieving particular commercial objectives. They work the way they do because they enjoy it.  Not everyone wants to have a business which achieves exceptional growth […]
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Niche or Nest Marketing: Which is Best?
by Tony Vidler        Niche marketing and nest marketing are concepts which are often confused, or referred to interchangably, by advisers. They are not the same thing, and they are also not even mutually exclusive: you can do both of course.  In fact I’d challenge the view that professionals should find “A” niche…why wouldn’t you […]
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Build An Audience Through Twitter
by Tony Vidler        Instead of “prospecting” shift the thinking to how to build an audience if you want a pool of potential future clients who might engage you.  That is one of the main factors in creating ongoing demand for advisory services in todays world.   Consumers are choosing when and how to engage, […]
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Creating Happy Clients Is Not Enough
by Tony Vidler        Creating and keeping happy clients IS essential for the success of a professional practice.  There is no question about that.  But is it enough to help a practice grow at a greater than industry average pace?   I don’t believe so.   Being a great practitioner and running an efficient & […]
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