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The Biggest Mistake In Financial Adviser Digital Marketing
by Tony Vidler        I found this cartoon ages ago and I love it because it so accurately describes what I think is the biggest mistake in financial adviser digital marketing and I just keep seeing it happen over and over. Enormous effort and resource is put into creating wonderful websites, facebook pages and blogs…..then……nothing!  […]
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If you still need more clients then you probably need different skills
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers who need more clients need to be better marketers than salespeople in todays environment.  For most that means they probably need new, or more, skills.  Not more technical skills; more commercial skills.   While financial advisers have been figuring out how to get ever-more-compliant and deliver yet-more-paper over the […]
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One sure way to build an audience
by Tony Vidler        As more professionals lean more on social media  as an integral part of their marketing a common question is “how do I get more people following me?“.  How do you guild an audience in other words. There are a lot of ways to create an audience of course, but there is […]
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Tailoring Your Content Marketing To Fit Your Audience
by Tony Vidler        One size does not fit all when it comes to content marketing: you need to tailor your content fit your audiences’ desires and needs.  It needs to be made to measure as it were.   As more professionals tap into the power of content marketing and create a presence on multiple […]
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Lead with the business you DON’T want to get the business you DO want
by Tony Vidler        We all want to get more business, but we really want to just get the right sort of business for ourselves or our firm naturally.   If you have figured out what sort of business it is you do want to get then you have (by default) figured out the areas of […]
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What is the ROI of having “An Audience”?
by Tony Vidler        While I am a fan of “measuring to manage well”, some things just can’t be measured accurately.  Like having an audience.  How do you even measure the ROI of an audience? That’s why I believe we should forget what the ROI of social media is, in the conventional sense.   Here’s […]
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2 Things To Do For Social Media Lead Generation
by Tony Vidler          When it comes to social media lead generation it would appear that the majority of professionals still have reservations about the effectiveness of it as a marketing strategy. Yet, everyone they know uses social to connect, research, engage and decide on future actions.  Somehow most think that all of these […]
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Cold calling just ain’t social enough
by Tony Vidler        “Advisers are finding success using social sites to cull prospects, build their brand, communicate with clients and improve their referral network”    Apparently some 85% of advisers in the US are now actively using social media, and while I am mildly surprised by this result as it is higher than I […]
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To Friend or Not-Friend With Clients on Social Media?
by Tony Vidler        Connecting with clients on social media can lead to closer relationships and even genuine friendships , which equals greater lifetime value of the client, right?  But then….it can kill professional client relationships too.   So what is the right thing to do when it comes to befriending clients on social channels; […]
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advertising for lead generation
Is Advertising For Lead Generation Dead?
by Tony Vidler        I’ve been running a terribly unscientific survey to find out if advertising for lead generation is dead for todays financial advisers.  Basically the deeply analytical process has consisted of me asking advisers continually for the last couple of years whether they are doing any advertising, and what results in the way […]
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