disruption of financial services


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2 things to look for when hiring a Virtual Assistant
by Tony Vidler        As cost pressures mount and margins decrease for many professional service firms they are increasingly looking to hire “virtual” staff.  That is, staff who are not necessarily permanently on the payroll, and definitely not permanently on the premises needing “housing”. India and the Philippines are probably leading the charge in providing […]
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Where will the greatest disruption to your practice come from?
by Tony Vidler        Disruption has long been a feature of financial services distribution.  Disruption constantly occurs with new market entrants, product innovation, shifting strategic focus on the part of suppliers in relation to control or autonomy of distributors….but disruption has typically come from within the industry itself.   Some years ago I read a piece […]
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Maybe Financial Advisers Could Be Selling Coffee?
by Tony Vidler        Do you remember when petrol stations competed on client service? Fundamentally they were all selling the same basic commodity, at about the same price, to anyone who drove up.  That included the regulars who lived in the area and who had high lifetime value and the out-of-towners cruising through who just needed […]
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