buying a practice


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Why Advisers Need To Invest In Their Businesses. Now.
by Tony Vidler        Financial advisers really need to invest more into their practices. Now.  More money, more thinking, more strategy….more leverage.  Even those who have been investing probably need to invest more. For decades financial advisers have been able to to operate “lifestyle” businesses.  It has enabled them to largely choose when they will […]
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The 3 Keys To Attracting Your Successors – and attract the talent
by Tony Vidler        It is one thing to atract talent to your firm, it is quite another to attract successors with the right talent though.  Many financial advisory firms see the need to create leverage and handle their own succession issues through recruiting new advisory talent but struggle to do it successfully.   The main […]
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5 Tips for selling, or buying, a practice.
by Tony Vidler        There are a number of traps that professionals consistently fall into when selling (or buying) a book of business. The mistakes are so consistent and prevalent that there is are some golden rules evolving on how to make sure any sale is successful. The Top 5 are: 1. Get professional help […]
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5 Things You Need To Do Before Buying A Practice
by Tony Vidler        For many advisers buying another practice or book of clients will be a serious growth strategy to be considered.  It is a primary strategy for attaining scale and a viable (and relatively predictable) revenue stream quickly.  However buying another advisers practice is usually a much more complex matter today than it was […]
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What is “Good Content” For Advisers To Use?
by Tony Vidler        Nearly every advisory firm says “we need more prospects“.  sure, more prospects helps build a business but what builds a business faster is good prospects who are a right fit, and who don’t really consider going anywhere else when the time is right for them to use an adviser.  And frankly […]
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Compliant Advice: Here are the only 3 things that matter
by Tony Vidler         Whenever the topic of compliance, or the “advice process”, comes up most advisers see themselves like this: Everyone is throwing everything at you with the sole intention of destroying you, right? As a consequence, compliance is largely considered a burden.  As is usually the way of these things a substantial body […]
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buying a financial planning business
What you need to know if you buy to grow
by Tony Vidler        As many advice businesses reach maturity it is common to consider whether they should “buy to grow”.  Should they buy another practice, or more commonly, should just buy a book of business from another practice.     The typical reasons suggested for wanting to grow through acquisition are: 1.  Get new […]
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The 4 Key Levers That Create Great Capital Value For An Advisory Firm
by Tony Vidler        Creating great capital value for a professional services firm is usually one of the owners primary objectives as they more often than not see their business value as a critical part of their own financial independence.   Building a profitable business is obviously essential, and it is a more valuable profitable […]
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Building A Profitable AND Valuable Practice
by Tony Vidler        Building a profitable practice is is the first objective for practitioners, but building a sustainable profitable and valuable practice is even better isn’t it?   Many good practitioners achieve the objective of building a profitable practice easily enough. After all, that is little more than keeping the sales and revenue pumping […]
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What Value Is A Practice?
by Tony Vidler        Given some of the trends in financial services there must be serious questions about how to accurately value a practice of a financial adviser.   The short answer to what is an accurate value of any practice will of course always be “whatever a buyer is willing to pay, and which you […]
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