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How to use LinkedIn Groups to build your audience
by Tony Vidler        LinkedIn Groups would have to be one of the easiest ways today for any professional to go about building an audience…or a community of like-minded folk.  And that is what we want our marketing to achieve if we want our business to grow, isn’t it?   It seems that what stops many […]
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What is the missing ingredient in your marketing campaign?
by Tony Vidler        There are some great and clever marketing campaigns put together by professional services firms and their marketing advisers, and they often get “good” results.  Typically one thing stops them from getting great results:   The follow through.   Just like a great golf swing, what happens in the first half is only…well…”half […]
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3 simple steps to automate your Linkedin Thank You message
by Tony Vidler        Getting engagement with new connections on LinkedIn is as simple as sending a thank you message…and even smarter: automate as much of it as you can.   Whenever you have a recurring problem you need a process… Processes, systems, automation…these are the solutions to minimising waste, and recurring issues requiring manual workarounds. […]
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Why advertising doesn’t work sometimes
by Tony Vidler        At some point most professionals consider using advertising as a means of lead generation, and usually it doesn’t work quite as well as they hoped. There are a few things to get right when it comes to creating advertising which generates the results you hoped for but the most obvious reason […]
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What matters most on your website?
by Tony Vidler        What matters on your website the most is the stuff that we think about the least, and that is the very basic of basic stuff.  While we think about logo’s, layouts, CTA’s and how to generate enquiries we forget how consumers are using the websites, or rather, what they are using […]
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Could you be a Thought Leader Adviser?
by Tony Vidler         A big phrase of recent times for anyone in professional services is “Thought Leadership”. Everywhere you turn someone is writing or saying “be a thought leader”…and nearly every audience asks “what is a Thought Leader, and how do you get there?”   To put it in its most simple terms, it […]
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Using LinkedIn To Get Business: When Is It Time To Go To The Premium Version?
by Tony Vidler        LinkedIn is basically a business-to-business networking tool, but the challenge is knowing when you should be using Linkedin to get business.  The free version is fine for establishing a profile, but the question then becomes “How do you know when it is time – or worth your while – to upgrade from […]
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Keep It Simple: Give Prospects What They Want When They Google An Adviser
by Tony Vidler        An adviser client asked me recently what to put on his website as he was re-designing it and he had lots of great ideas of course, but I started my answer with “how are they going to find the site?”   Google.   That was the answer…Google because basically everyone uses […]
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This Is Why Most Centre-Of-Influence Referral Marketing Efforts Fail
by Tony Vidler        When it comes to referral marketing efforts there are basically two types of consistent ongoing referrers you can cultivate: 1. happy & satisfied clients 2. centres-of-influence   The second category is the one that many advisers struggle with particularly, and the reason they struggle is because they try to develope the […]
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How to make yourself scarce…and more valuable!
by Tony Vidler        A well established economic AND behavioural principle is that people generally will have higher demand for that which is relatively scarce.  Less of something makes it more valuable, right?  It is a pretty sound principle that consumers tend to have a higher want for what is perceived to be harder to get […]
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